,CTLGFVER #$VER: Knack.catalog 1.5 (30.03.96) english GUI for many crunchers cSelect cruncher cAre you joking !?! Really quit ? About Compress Compress Compress Show banner in file Print Decompress Compress Test file View file Config Special Delete Rename Disks Format Config Path: Decompress: Compress: View: Test: Destination: Packing method: BANNER for DMS file: Password: No validating of disk: Ignore diskbitmap: Show full info on DMS file: Skip press RETURN request: Do not display banners: Cancel DMS-Window Drive Path&archive Drawer Format Quick Volumename: Put trashcan: Internatonal mode: Directory-Cache: Default path: Printer output New name for overwrite append EWarning: you cannot get back what you delete! Ok to delete: b"%s" File n exists Select drawer to compress Select drawer Select file(s) Select path to decompress to Select drive Waiting... Error occured !Couldn't create MUI-application cKnack is Shareware! cIf you use it regulary, you'll have to pay the shareware fee! nThis requester is for reminding you of that... nYou can register for $20 US at Unknown filetype Other Lha-arguments LZX-arguments DMS-options %Delete archive after decompressing ? Registered to Unregistered version 8-( written by bEnglish translation by iTom Beuke Westhoffstr. 13-15 44145 Dortmund Germany EMail: tob@blanker.ruhr.de 0BBS :+49-(0)231-815739 bSorry! Not yet implemented! PGP commands Managing keys Command options PGP-Window Encrypt file Decrypt file/check signature Sign file Extra signature RADIX-64 format !Text in Klartext mit Unterschrift Project Show known keys Generate new key Add Key Delete key Sign Key Edit key Save key as ASCII String Delete signature User-ID Show fingerprint Output window }Here you can define size and position of the output window bexample: CON:0/11/500/600/Output/CLOSE/WAIT This button lets you decompress archives Knack is pre-configured for LHA, LZX, UnZIP, PackDev and DMS archives When the button is pressed, the files from the selected archive will be decompressed to the destination path or drive. ]Compress a disk to a directory of your choice. Supported archivers are bLHA, LZX and DMS. sTest an archive of your choice for errors. Supported archivers are : bLHA, LZX, ZIP, ZOOM, ZOO, PackDev and DMS. iView the contents of an archivefile. Supported archivers are: bLHA, LZX, UnZIP, ZOO, PackDev and DMS. b! Caution! n Be Careful whith this function, because it is easy to delete needed files. Although a requester is show before deleting, look twice if have you selected the correct files. Opens a new shell 'This function lets you view textfiles. sWith rename the names of files can be changed. A requester which shows the old and asks for the new name is shown. Opens the config window. nStarts formatting function. Please check, if you have selected the correct drive and inserted the right disk. aOpens a filerequester for selecting name and path of the LHA archiver. bPath _must_ be given. ZPath and name of LHA bExamples: c:Lha sys:Packer/Lha acommandstring for decompressing bExamples: x -l -a -f -F x gcommandstring for compressing bExamples: -e -r -x -m -a a -x -r a Ucommandstring for viewing bExamples: -X v -X vq Vcommandstring for testing bExamples: -X t -D3 -X t 1Archives are decompress to this destination path 6opens a pathrequester for choosing a destination path aOpens a filerequester for selecting name and path of the LZX archiver. bPath _must_ be given. ZPath and name of LHA bExamples: c:Lzx sys:Packer/Lzx Zcommandstring for viewing bExamples: -X0 v -P1 -X0 L Ucommandstring for testing bExamples: -X0 T -P1 t ]Function inactive/active Sorry. For further information read the original DMS documentation. =For further information read the original DMS documentation. _Opens a filerequester for selecting name and path of the DMS archiver bPath _must be given. ZPath and name of DMS bExamples: c:DMS sys:Packer/DMS Packing method to be used: NONE : no compression HEAVY1: good compression HEAVY2: excellent compression BEST : DMS chooses the best packing method for the amount of free memory Text banner inactive/active KPath and name of text banner bExamples: sys:Texte/Info MOpens a filerequester for choosing a text file which is to be used as banner Password inactive/active Password entry %Please read the documentation of PGP Path and name of PGP bExamples: sys:Tools/PGPAmiga/PGP sys:Packer/PGP/PGP b_Must_ be given! 9Opens a filerequester for choosing path and name of PGP Sorry, read your Amiga manual yPath and name of the format command bExamples: sys:System/Format :System/Format 2Opens a filerequester for choosing format command 9Here you can enter a name for all disks to be formatted 1Function inactive/active Read your Amiga manual #default path for all filerequesters opens a pathrequester ^command for the editor bExamples: run c:ED GOLDED:GOLDED .Opens a filerequester for choosing the editor external textviewer ccommand for external textviewer bExamples: C:xMore C:MuchMore use external textviewer yes/no GOpens a filerqeuster for selecting path and name of external textviewer acommand for new shell bExamples: NewShell CON:0/11///Knack-Shell/CLOSE/AUTO Sprinter output bExamples: PRT: RAM:drucketext *delete archives after decompressing on/off read error memory fault couldn't open file couldn't open destination file error while copying create directory Enter directoryname